Prints & Frames

All prints can be purchased as prints only, framed, mounted on Dibond.
Prints are produced on highest quality, archival paper, customized to each image.

We use Fine Art Baryta paper for framed images and Lambda print for Dibond mounts. All paper used is exhibition quality.

We deliver our framed images in costum made, high quality wooden frames with non-glare museum quality glass.

All matboards and moundboards are acid-free and PH neutral for a long lasting life-span.

As default we use black wooden frames, each one costumized and handmade for that specific artwork.

Optional frames can be ordered by request and priced separately. Please email for further information.

Larger prints (100 cm on shortest side) are mounted on Dibond (a Permanent Plate of Aluminum).


Most of our artwork is produced in limited editions. The number of editions depends on the size of the image. We do also offer some open editions (limitless reproduction) at a lower cost.

Certificate of Authenticity

Each sold ‘Limited Edition’ artwork is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity to provide proof of quality and authenticity. The certificate provides titel of photograph, size and date of purchase as well as number of edition in the series and copyright information etc. Signed by the artist.

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